Thursday, April 21, 2011

Thursday, April 21, 2011

 Thursday, April 21, 2011:

Woke up this morning and had some kinks in my hair. Ahhh! Disaster!  So the first thing I did was plug in my flat iron!  Whew! That was close…but I ironed it out and it still looks F.A.B.U.L.O.U.S.! One day down…2 to go…before I can wash it again!  I’m going back to the salon on Saturday to have Falo finish it.  I’ll try to take a picture of the little kiddy’s plane seat (and maybe Falo and Euyp), but I don’t want to embarrass myself.  Not like that ever stopped me before though!   

I think we will head to the beach today, since we have missed 2 days in a row running around. That will make my hair dirtier…but I want to sit at the beach today!  There are 4 ships in port today per the paper, so it should be pretty busy out there!

Well, back from the beach.  It was a great day.  Hot and not much wind, and not much happened.

We saw a fish jump right into the hands of the fish man today! Even he was surprised it happened! Just about every day, he walks up and down the beach about chest deep in the water and feeds fish with stale bread crumbs. The fish just flock to him; it looks like piranha attacking him!! He calls to them, talks to them and he doesn't particularly like anyone else to feed them either! Today, one fish just jumped right out of the water and into his hand!  He was so happy and laughing! It was funny to watch him!

Watched a bunch of clouds develop over the hills again, but they never got to us.  I would have had to run for cover because I can’t get my hair we yet! So I was keeping my eye out for them to start heading our way. They constantly changed and would get real big and puffy, then dissipate and then puff up again.  Eventually they made a monster rain wall towards Anguilla, and looked like it would eventually come our way, but we left before it got too close to us. 

Guess we will eat leftover ribs tonight. I’ll try to update the blog and see if I can get on and get my stuff posted.  This is getting stupid that I’m having such trouble with certain sites.  I keep hitting refresh and the modem button, but it’s driving me crazy!

I finally got through and posted 1 day…then got kicked off again! After a few hundred refreshes and on/off’s on the modem, and I'm back in again! Whatever! As long as I can get something posted!

Tomorrow is Good Friday and it’s a major holiday here, so all the stores will be closed.  It will definitely a beach day I’m sure! 

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