Friday, March 18, 2011

Friday, March 18, 2011 - Our Last Day in St. Croix

Friday, March 18, 2011 - Our Last Day in St. Croix:

I’m trying to decide this morning if I should go to the pool a while or finish packing before I have to go to the doctor.  Of course, my pick would be the pool…I’ll have plenty of time to finish and reorganize the suitcases tonight I suppose.  Although it’s not like I’m going home to no sunshine, I don’t need to cram in sun…I’m headed to another island for two and a half months! BWAAAHAHAHA!! Sorry, couldn’t resist that one! But I hear you had great weather yesterday for the Dogtown Parade. 85° … which is probably as warm as it gets here.  So now you know how I feel every day. Sympathy? I thought not…! I am glad you guys had a great day for the parade! The parade here is on Saturday in Christiansted.  I guess since Gerald got a little crispy yesterday, we’ll probably just stay up here.  But I am a little irritated that both he and I were in the sun the same amount of time and he got sun and I don’t think I did! I even greased up with oil and cocoa butter! WTH is up with that!?

Here’s something I noticed today:  I don’t pay attention to the news anymore.  I don’t watch much on TV (except OCC, Biker Build-off & Big Love that I got into when my foot was bad), but I would breeze past the BS on the CNN and other news stations because after about 10 seconds they start irritating me …so I’m really getting out of the loop.  I only knew about he Japan thing because John and Evonne were here and John like s to keep up.  It’s just not on my mind…like when you go on vacation…you don’t watch news channels.  I happen to pull up the Post Dispatch on the internet this morning and was reading the headlines.  So much I knew nothing about!

I just learned the full moon is tomorrow … and not only do I have to go outside … we have to FLY to St. Maarten!  I’m about to cry!  8’(  aaaaaaaawwwhhhyyyyyyyy!!   Wonder if there is a place to buy a suit of armor?  No…can’t do that because of airport security.  (Damn you Al Qaeda!)  Foam…that’s it.  I’m wrapping myself in foam rubber…I’m gonna look like the kid in A Christmas Story.  Laugh if you will, but I will not have another wrenched or broken appendage! …wimper….   tooey-tooey-tooey…go away bad luck!

Got ready and went to the Dr’s office – for all the good it did.  We sat there for 2.5 hours…and never got called in to see the doctor.  The waiting room was crowded, but when people who came in after me got called in before me, I knew something was wrong.  And Gawd forbid you should remind one of the half-brained ding-dongs behind the desk that they are a bunch of idiots because they have apparently crossed your name off the patient sign-in list, but not pulled your file, and so you’ve been sitting here all this time.  I got yelled at before by them just for coming in for my scheduled appointment…when they “supposedly” tried to call me and left a message on my HOME phone (which is temporarily disconnected)!  Hellllloooo!  I’m not HOME…I’m in ST. CROIX!  So I rescheduled to today…paid a $25 cab fare to sit in a doctor’s office …when I could have been sitting in the sun! MORONS!! ...ugh…(that rant made me tired! =) 

Well…we called Big John and had him pick us up.  I just walked out of the office…
John said he doesn’t like them either.  They did nothing for him and charged him $100 for each visit! Oh boy!  But we had to leave.  We were supposed to be meeting Kirby and Rob-Andy/Andy-Rob at 4:30 to go over condo stuff, leaving and other instructions. (Rob-Andy, Andy-Rob, Rondy, Anob (A-Nob!?) whatever… we know his name is Andy, but he told Gerald his name was Robert…and Gerald believed him…so we’re just making up names from now on.  I might call him George or Sue or Fred or Wallace…anything but Andy! =)

Kirby came and picked up some stuff and we went over the last minute details. We talked about when the tent people will be here next year…so we don’t come at the same time…or at least not stay on this side of the complex!  She is a sweetheart and I would recommend if anyone wants to come down here, or even if you have a place here, to contact them! ( or

Note:  Being in St. Maarten means that I won’t have continuous access to the internet.  They have been talking about getting wireless set up at Flamingo…but I’m not counting on it.  They don’t do anything there unless it benefits them first. Gawd forbid they should do something to benefit the owners and guests – for all the fees that are paid.  Then the place where Gerald wants to stay after that doesn’t have wireless at all…just a desktop in the office – setback!  Needless to say, the blog will most likely not be updated every day.  I’m going to see if I can attach a “thingy” (official technical term) to the blog that will allow you to subscribe to receive an e-mail notification when the blog is updated.  All you need to do is to put your e-mail of choice in (no need to sign up for a new e-mail or g-mail account).  As far as I know, your e-mail address is not used or accessed by any other service, only by me, and I promise I won’t sell it to anyone…unless they offer me a million dollars and I can buy my dream house in the Caribbean with a great view…then I’m selling out for sure…but I will invite you to stay with me!   I’ve added the FeedBurner link on the website (to the upper left)…I just hope it works for everyone! I was the first one who signed up…and so far so good…! (Nothing like thinking ahead and getting this done 3 minutes before I leave for St. Maarten huh?) (update - this may not be as easy as I was hoping...but i'll keep trying!)

Well…I’ve got to cut this short tonight.  !!!  I’ve got to go through my stuff again and rearrange it and weight it – again and again and again.  Gerald is cleaning the kitchen! =D

See you all in St. Maarten! (cross your fingers for wireless at Flamingo!)

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