Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Monday, March 7, 2011

Monday, March 7, 2011:

Started out this morning by touring the island; first we went to the spot where Columbus made his second landing in the new world – only to be beaten off by the indigenous people! Unfortunately for them, cannons and guns beat the heck out of sticks and rocks!   

We tried to go up the hill to the visitor’s center but they were closed.  Who knows how things operate around here! Oh well. 

Then we took a ride up the scenic road and through the rain forest.  Taking pictures along the way, screaming at Gerald to STOP so we could get a good shot of the ocean and views between the bushes!

Driving through the rain forest we stopped at the Domino Club in Montpellier. 
Poor lost Rogue goat!

This is where we will see the beer swilling pigs and get a bite to eat.  We parked the car, went to the bar, ordered a drink, and then some food.   

While we were waiting for our meal, they offered us a sample of their famous “Mama Juana” (sometimes called “Mama Wanna”) which is a signature shot, made from rum, honey and soaked with herbs and roots. We each tasted it, and all had the same reaction.  Wheeezzzzze!  This stuff was rough and would pretty much strip the paint off a car and eat through steel.  In fact, after I drank it I think I felt the hair actually growing on my chest! See!
 Wow…that was some strong stuff!  Something you gotta try to appreciate though! You can always shave the hair off your chest right?

We then bought the O’Douls “non-alcoholic” beers to feed the pigs and went across the road to the pens.  They are pretty protective of them it appears since there are walls all around and you have to go through a locked door.  To see the pigs you pay $1.  The beer is $2.  Pictures are fee, but video is $3. ??? I didn’t ask, I just took pictures! (I didn't pay the $3 to take a video...but just Google "beer swilling pigs in St. Croix"
and you will get a ton of U-Tube videos!) After we got in the pen…I’m glad they had the walls…it keeps the smell from wafting over to the bar and restaurant! It was a good idea!   

...this is why Gerald is not allowed with a camera...I blame Evonne...she gave it to him so she could shake up the beer cans and feed the pigs (and I don't mean me!)! 

Now, when we bought the beers, the girl told us to shake the cans up real good, because the pigs like it foamy!  I think the reason is when the pigs bite into the beer can, it spews stinky beer all over everyone and everything within about a 10 foot radius!  I let Evonne feed it mine! =)

 Evonne shaking up the beer real good!

Poor piggy waiting for more beer!
Evonne's chicken dinner! =)
Gerald playing with my crutches!

After feeding the pigs, we went back across the road to the bar/restaurant and got our lunch.  Evonne ordered chicken with mac-n-cheese. It was half a chicken and she said it was real good. Gerald had a pork chop (which I think is a little sacrilegious under the circumstances!) and mac-n-cheese. John and I ordered a Johnny Cake each and I have to say…it’s the best one I have ever had! Then a bunch of people showed up on the TanTan Jeep tours, so we assumed there was a cruise ship in town.  We finished our lunch quickly (bringing home leftovers of course) and off we went again through the rainforest. 

We stopped at Coconuts and Evonne took some pictures of the cruise ship that was docket.  As we were driving through Fredericksted, I could not believe the number of people in town.  We even saw vendors that I have NEVER seen here before! Wow…this town definitely bustles when there is a ship in town! 

I was a little worried that with a cruise ship in town, that the Rum Distillery would be packed now with boat people.  But, when we got there, it wasn’t too awful bad.  We signed up and waited for the tour to start.  We found out there were steps on the tour, but the guide said they weren’t too bad. I went anyway and made it through without incident. There was another older lady with a cane, so I didn’t feel too bad…except I was about 30 years younger…and still slower than she was!  Oh well!

The tour was a short one.  Mix, boil, filter and ship to Florida for flavoring and bottling.  It stunk inside the distillery…it definitely smelled better outside, we must have been smelling the molasses.  They currently dump the waste water and molasses in the ocean (with approval from the EPA), but are working on technology and updating the plant to allow for them to recycle the waste to use for energy. I’m not sure why they wouldn’t use it to feed the pigs, goats and cows on the island.  But that’s just me.

After the tour was done, we went back to where it started at the guest house, sat down and got some drinks.  We sat with some people off the cruise ship and talked a while. One man from West Virginia gave us some advise on growing tomatoes, and I wrote it down for further investigation! (some sort of trash can tomatoes)

Since we had a lot of time to kill between now and when we wanted to go to dinner, so we headed back to the condo to rest a while.  Our plans were to go to Bogeys tonight because they had an all you can eat Mexican food night and $2 margaritas.  After we rested up, we headed out again going along the north shore…right into the sun! We saw the islands in the distance again to the north, but still can’t figure out which ones they are.  I still say you can see Puerto Rico…but John thinks not! =)

We almost missed the restaurant and drove by it. We were thinking it was further down. Luckily Evonne and I saw the sign while our necks were stretched looking at the ocean, houses and trying to identify the islands! There was only one other car there, but we went in anyway.  It’s just a very simple little bar under a few apartments.  Legend has it that Humphrey Bogart used to patronize the place back in the day, so they named it after him.  It looked old enough, that’s for sure!  They were also having a Texas Hold’em poker game in the back later on, but we weren’t going to stay for that.

We got in, picked a seat and watched the waves hit the ragged-edge rock shore.  There were a few waves that came in with the tide that looked like someone could have surfed on them!  We also got some shots of the sunset…it was a nice one tonight! 
...now Evonne is not allowed the have the camera anymore! 

The all you can eat bar was set up simple…and we helped our selves.  It was really good, and we were comfortable, like eating at someone’s home…not at a stuffy restaurant.  The food was (again) simple but delicious.   We were stuffed, and I can tell I’m going to have to take a Tums tonight! 

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