Saturday, October 23, 2010

October 23, 2010 - Post #2

October 23, 2010 – Post #2:

Great.  Richard is most likely going to be a hurricane when it hits – probably just a category #1 though. You would hardly know it now…except for the hammering you hear from some of the locals putting up plywood over windows.  Gerald and I decided we would take a walk up town to look at the scenery – which may not be there on Monday! We stopped for a beverage at Paradise Resort and discuss water levels, the building structure etc.!

We (meaning I) decide it might be fun to ride bikes instead of walk – but I have a skirt on.  I think it might be ok…but I’m wrong.  So I tell Gerald we have to go back to the condo so I can put some shorts on.

Ok. It’s been about a hundred years since I have been on a bike.  Plus the bike is huge – made for tall people…not short people, and I can barely get my leg flung over the seat without showing everything to everybody! Truly a U-Tube moment. But I get started and I look like a drunken sailor riding a bike down the road.  I hear groaning behind me.  It’s Gerald. He’s having “fun” too.  Mind you, the roads are not flat or paved, they are dirt roads with big rocks and monster holes. My legs are killing me and I’ve barely peddled 10 feet. A little boy flies past me on his tiny bike, and I want to push him over for being so agile and showing me up, but I resist. It’s not his fault I’m a sloth and have no coordination to ride this bike semi-normally. Blast.

We get to the room, I change shorts, Gerald and I exchange bikes…his is too tall.  I definitely can’t get my leg over this one. Good thing I changed, or my skirt would have been up around my neck!  This one is so tall, I can’t even touch the ground and have to start by standing on the pedals. But I get going again – and it feels a little better now, but my legs are killing me again. I hear groaning behind me.  It’s Gerald.  He is not having fun. We drop the bikes back off at Paradise…and decide to walk.  Next time we go to town, we’ll get a golf cart.

Will keep you posted on the hurricane. If internet goes down, you may not hear from us for a couple of days.  We have our cell phones and can call. Love to everyone! 

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