Sunday, October 31, 2010

Halloween Lunch on the Beach

We went to the beach with Bobby and Jan to have lunch at the Cozy Corner.  It was really good food! And they had fresh squeezed juice (lime, pineapple, orange, watermelon). I, of course, fortified mine with coconut rum.  YUMMY!  The fresh lime juice with coconut rum is also very delicious!

And I swear to you...this is where we were! They look like fake pictures - but I swear they are not!

I had to share!

1 comment:

  1. the beach looks beautiful.Im so glad you guys are having a good time.Love reading about ya'lls adventures and seeing the great pics.Dont you wish all those mosquitos was sucking fat instead of blood.I sure wish these here,then I could eat,eat,eat.yeah!!!! keep up the good ya.
