Saturday, October 30, 2010

October 29, 2010 - Post #2

Friday, October 29, 2010 - #2:

Bobby came by this afternoon to see if Gerald could come out to play, but he was taking a nap…so he couldn’t!  =)   Ok. What he really wanted was to tell Gerald that there was a poker game down the road tonight, and to see if he wanted to play.  We ate dinner and got ready to go.  As we left the condo, a “limo” came to pick us up.  And by limo, I mean Bobby and Jan in their golf cart! (Yay! We didn’t have to walk in the dark!)  We headed down the road to Paradise and waited for everyone to show up.  We had a few adult beverages and played till (WAY past our usual bedtime!).  But it was lots of fun. We met new people (Fred was actually from St. Louis!) and we learned a new card game (I say “learned” tongue in cheek).  Omaha Hi/Lo (aka Omaha Hold’em).  The regulars were very patient and kind as Gerald, Jan and I had no idea how to play it. Jan actually did pretty good and won a couple hands.  But, for the most part we ended up making donations. Gerald and I are going to practice so we can show it to Bob & Judy when they come down!   

Before we left to come back home, it started to rain again! Unfortunately we had left the windows down in the back seat of the golf cart (har!)…needless to say, Gerald and I got soaked! We were standing on the back, faced forward, riding down the lane water pouring from the top of the cart, and out of the sky!  It felt like we were water skiing! Bobby and Jan got soaked too because there is no windshield on this cart! Of course, we laughed until it started to lightning! Then, as if it weren’t bad enough, apparently we were out past curfew, because the gate to the condos was closed and locked! Luckily Gerald remembered the combination but it was a strange lock and not easy to figure out where to line up the numbers. So there we were standing in the pouring rain fumbling around trying to get the lock open! Plus it was dark, and even though there was a street light, you couldn’t see (mostly because of the rain pouring down our faces).  Guess who had a flashlight?  THAT’S RIGHT!  ME!  IN MY PURSE!  =)   It seemed like it took forever, but we finally got home, and were just dripping wet!

1 comment:

  1. How big is your purse?????

    Sound like you are having a blast aside from the hurricane
