Friday, December 24, 2010

Tuesday, December 21, 2010 - Our First Day Home

Tuesday, December 21, 2010:

Tuesday morning we get up (me under protest, cause I didn’t want to get out of that warm bed!),
visited with Bob for a while and then head home. On the way home, feeling the cold, I got the hankering for some good potato soup. We decided to stop at the grocery store real quick and pick up some stuff to make the soup – plus we needed to get Twinkies and Zingers!

Wow, it seems like it’s been a long time since have been in a grocery store as nice as this one. (and we’re just in the little country store where we live)  LOOK GERALD!  FOOD THAT’S  NOT EXPIRED!  AND (SNIF SNIF) IT DOESN’T SMELL! It was wonderful! I wanted to buy one of everything! But I was able to restrain myself (thanks to Gerald repeatedly saying “we don’t need that….we don’t need that…we don’t need that!”).  So, we just got the priorities – Twinkies, Zingers and potato soup ingredients. Then headed home.

I'm struck by the stark contrast of where we were...and where we are now!
(where we were)


Ahh but it’s great to be back in my home amongst my own things! I dance around touching everything like a fairy princes! Hello clean smelling house, couch and furniture! It’s wonderful to see and use you again clean sheets, towels, blankets, pots and pans! I love you all of my wonderful clean kitchen gadgets! I’ve missed you. Especially you my special uber-sharp Cutco knifes! (so please don’t cut my fingers off when I get a little over zealous the first time I use you! I’ve been out of practice!) I have missed you all and would hug and kiss you if I could!  It almost brings a tear to my eye to be back home in my own place, to know I will have everything I need, and to feel comfortable again. Notice I said “in”….the “outside” sucks! =)    

It’s a little cold in the house, and really cold unloading the suitcases from the car.  My hands are cracking and my nails are breaking! …whine! whimper! whine! We busy ourselves with turning up and on heaters, and the water to get the house fully functioning again.  Or at least try.  We turn off all the faucets in the house (cause Gerald opened them before we left) and then Gerald turns on the main line, but no water comes out.  He immediately thinks I haven’t paid the water bill (he doesn’t trust the electronic and auto-pay stuff - but we didn’t have much of a choice being gone this long) and so he gets a little cranky at me because now he thinks that he is going to have to call the water company and probably pay a penalty and extra fee to have them turn it on again – and who knows when they will be able to do it (despite my pleas of innocence).  But I talk him into checking the outside faucet first in case there may be another problem since I know I paid the water bills (I have receipts) and the next one isn’t due until the 30th.  Sure enough it works so that means there is another problem. Then I ask him about the other shut off valves that Al said he turned off when the water ran out of the water softener and all over the basement floor when Gerald shut the water off and opened up the faucets…it all drained down to the softener…and the saltwater overflowed onto the basement floor. So we had a nice little salt flat going on down there.  Then Al stopped by and confirmed that he had shut off the other valves to the softener after the water I was vindicated.  Not that I heard an “I’m sorry” or anything.

After that, I started to make potato soup and danced happily in my kitchen as I found all my pans, knifes, peelers and gadgets readily available for use, and more importantly - clean. It was one of my better batches of potato soup too I must say…made with lots of love! =)

I also had to call the telephone company because we had no phone service at all.  I guess when Gerald called them and put a hold on our phone service, it was actually shut it off, so now we won’t have a home phone for a few days…and no internet either, so my posts will be backlogged.  But the gal was very nice and said she would try to get it hooked back up as soon as possible. I had Gerald call Dish to get that back up and that only took a minute…and it was all back on and running. I need to remember (if we cancel the phone again) to call the phone company a few days before we come back home in June so that we can come home to all our utilities working. Hopefully we won’t have to pay reconnect fees.

Gerald went to pick up our mail from Walter and Marilyn.  The mail tub I left is full and it took me about 4 hours to go through it all. There must have been 20 credit card applications and of course political stuff from the November election! Man what a waste of paper! By the time I got through that, it was bedtime!

We never did get to the grocery store today and we are going to pick up the kids tomorrow and keep them for a few days, but I guess we can do that on our way to pick them up.  Not like it’s too hot and the food will spoil in the car!

Better get to bed and get some rest…won’t get much while the kids are here!

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