Friday, January 21, 2011

Friday, January 21, 2011

Friday, January 21, 2011:

I was more restless last night than the first night. I just can’t get comfortable and my leg won’t stop hurting.  I didn’t have ice on it last night…maybe that’s one reason. My pectoral muscles are sore from holding up my body and using these crutches.  (Scott … another exercise plan please?)  My arms are ok, probably from constantly picking up my 800 lb purse, but the pecs are sore for sure.

I can’t get in to see Dr. Pederson until January 31…so I’m looking for another orthopedic surgeon to go see. Dr. Peterson’s office recommended a Dr. Appleyard, but he is at the “Fast Tract Clinic” or something, which is at the hospital…so that makes me feel a little nervous for some reason.  There are a few other orthopedic doctors that have sports injury clinics here…so I may try one of those. I’m checking around for some referrals too. But I need to get in to see a doctor so I can do whatever I need to do.  And the sooner the better, cause I’m getting tired of this soft cast.

And can I just say for the record that bamboo furniture is very pretty, but sucks for long term sitting and comfort?  Especially if you’re short. So if someone can send me some nice soft, cushy, comfy furniture…it would be appreciated.

Gerald is working in the shower this morning.  He bought a hand held shower extension and is putting it in. The water pressure is not very good here, and it doesn’t come out very strong.  I can’t stand, so I’ll have to find a way to sit, so that means being farther away from the shower head. I might as well have someone spitting on me then, from that distance with that pressure. I also can’t get in the tub in the other bathroom because it has the old fashioned glass shower doors and no plug for the tub.  When he went to K-Mart yesterday, he bought an extension so when I sit in the shower I can have the sprayer closer.  The quest now is to find a stool of some sorts for me to sit on. He said he couldn’t find one at K-Mart and I need one a little taller and stronger than a mop bucket.  We see some 5 gallon paint buckets from our bedroom window out where they are doing some maintenance to the complex here.  That would probably work.  So Gerald is going to go see if he can get an empty one to use for a while. But all I know is I’ve got to take a shower soon…the green fog is starting to get to me! The ER doc didn’t want me to take the cast off originally until after I went to the orthopedic surgeon.  That would have been at least a week (and now we find out till the 31st)! Yuck! She finally did concede as long as I agreed to keep it on for a couple of days first.  Well, it’s only been a couple of days…but I need to take a shower! Bad!

 The cleaning lady was next door cleaning and when she was done she called in on me to see if I was ok or needed anything!  Isn’t that sweet! They are nice – they just need more skill in cleaning! (which is usually more indicative of a problem with management and training)

Did I ever tell you I bought a little safe to take with us for our valuables? I wasn’t sure if the places we stayed at would have one (which they didn’t) so I bought this disguised safe that looks like a can of Dr. Pepper soda. Heavy as one too. (and I wonder why my suitcases were over weight?)  We couldn’t use it in Belize…cause there was no Dr. Pepper there, except in San Pedro, but it was so expensive it would have stood out, so it would have been the first thing they grabbed! =)   But here, we could use it. We also got some real Dr. Pepper at the grocery store to drink, so in order to tell the difference, I put a black “x” mark on the top of the can with a Sharpie pen.  The lid was also a different color so that helped.  And I put it on the lower shelf in the fridge, way in the back…behind the extra 6 pack of real Dr. Pepper that we couldn’t fit in the door shelf.  And outside of attaching a note to the can that said “This is a safe…do not try to open it…GERALD!” it should have been reasonably safe (pun intended).  

So, while I was taking my nap today…trouble was stirring. And by trouble…I mean Gerald. He got up from his nap and was thirsty. Of course, he wanted a Dr. Pepper.  So he gets in the fridge and instead of taking the one in the fridge door, or pulling one out of the 6 pack on the lower shelf … yes, yes, he did.  He reached all the way in the back and got the safe. But the fact that it had an “x” on it…the fact that the lid was totally different from the others did not deter him. Nor did he remember it was the safe.  So, he tried to pull the tab, but of course it didn’t work – it broke off.  But that did not stop him.  He then got the bottle opener and proceeded to POKE HOLES in and PRY the top of the can off. Then, and only then, when he saw that the can did not contain SODA, did he realize what he had done.  

…and I was worried that with my hurt leg, and not being able to get out, I wouldn’t have anything to write about! Ha!  Well, at least he did tell me about it when I woke up.  Kind of like a little kid confessing to his parents…he said “I messed up…”. And you know that’s not a good sign. Oh well. Gotta be careful about laughing too much at him.  He is waiting on me! =)
Gerald made some pizza for dinner.  It turned out pretty good. Afterwards I took my first shower since the accident. Without going into detail…it was … interesting. And if you know Gerald…you know what I’m talking about.  He tried very hard to help me… but I managed to get the job done…without incident.  He was amazed at all the beauty products (conditioner, shaving cream, moisturizing oil, eye cream,  foot cream, hand cream)…and still it doesn’t do any good!

Got to take my soft cast off. Still pretty swollen and bruised. It better hurry up and go down soon!

I cannot have a skinny ankle and a fat ankle!  Gerald has to put my cast back on (as directed by Dr. Williams – the ER doctor) but not before I enjoy some more foot freedom! (This ought to be good.)

I was a good girl today, so Gerald made me some ice cream. So I’m going to eat it and then dry my hair … using a few more beauty products, that will most likely do no good (but I gotta try).

Till tomorrow’s adventures…g’nite! 

1 comment:

  1. OMG Tina, that ankle looks soooo painful! But your story is too funny. Please thank Gerald for the making my day! :-)
