Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Gerald’s Debut at Paradise Resort - November 1, 2010

Gerald’s Debut at Paradise Resort
November 1, 2010

Patty and Jane stopped by and picked us up tonight (thank goodness because it rained on the way home! Didn’t want to walk in the rain with the guitar) and we headed to Paradise. We park and try not to get eaten by a dog guarding … something. But we got there and had dinner. Gerald had spaghetti and I had lime shrimp and it was YUMMY! (They do have good food there).

Not a lot of people, but for an impromptu gig…it turned out really to be a pretty good little crowd (about 15-20). That’s also a good number for a Monday night after a big party/holiday weekend! Sandra was in rare form! She is a hoot! A couple of local musicians showed up and were fascinated by Gerald’s Backpacker guitar and they enjoyed playing it too.

VIDEOS: Follow links:   "Margaritaville"       "No Shirt No Shoes No Problem"
MaryAnn - Gerald’s #1 "Fan"!

Dillon and Sandra!

Don’t ask!

We’ve made plans to have a “Porch/Dock Party” so Sandra and Gerald can practice the new song Gerald is learning “Where the Boat Leaves From” by the Zach Brown Band. Don’t know when it will be, but I’ve volunteered to make the dip – because I brought some with me…in my purse!

We are both eaten up with mosquitoes. They are getting Gerald big time now. Not sure why now for him.  They say you become immune to them eventually – the locals don’t seem to have the bites we do. Karen - I think you are right, if these mosquitoes would suck fat instead of blood, I would have lost 75lbs by now!  I think the scientific community would better serve society (not to mention have a gold mine here) if they could genetically engineer a skeeter that would suck fat instead of blood! HA!  Wouldn’t that be GREAT!! =)  I officially issue the challenge.

Tuesday, November 2, 2010:

So far today we are just cleaning – laundry etc.  And Gerald just went to slay some fish! (or try to anyway – most likely it will just be feeding the fish as usual).  Think I finally figured out how to get these darned videos up - so let me know if it works or if you have any problems!


  1. sure looks like alot of fun.wish I was there.Hows the temp running there.were gonna be in the 70's for the next 4 0r 5 days low in the 40's.and by the way.IM GERALDS #1 FAN and yours 2.love you guys.HAVE FUN

  2. The pictures are awesome. skeeters have to go somewhere, cause its to daggone cold here for them! Sounds like its is really cool there, I am so jelus!!!! :-)
