Saturday, November 13, 2010

Saturday, November 13, 2010 – Bob and Judy’s Departure

Saturday, November 13, 2010 – Bob and Judy’s Departure:

At first wake, it looks a little cloudy. Today is when Bob and Judy leave.  It seems a shame that the weather hasn’t been better. Judy is already packed, so not much to do but eat breakfast and wait for Shelton to pick us up to take us to the airport.  We walk down to the other building and Bob and Judy say goodbye to The Girls and Sharene before we go.

Shelton comes and we load the truck and head out.  We are hoping for a bigger plane this time! Judy has already taken ½ a Xanex!  When we get to the airport, there are several bags already, which is a good sign! More people… bigger plane!  Bob and Judy get their “Boarding Pass” and we wait for a plane to land to see what kind of ride they are going to have today. 
 (Bob & Judy get their Officially Laminated  Boarding Pass)
 (Then realize that means they have to leave =(

The sun is coming out…just in time for them to leave! Great! Which means it’s warmer too, and I have a jacket and long sleeves on. 

The plane lands and YAY!!! It’s a BIG one! (well…as big as it gets here anyway!) Bob and Judy have to go through the “terminal” so they can size everyone up for placement in the plane.  There is a BIG guy … and he gets on first.  Looks like he is going to break the seat! Then the rest of the people start to come out and they load.  It’s way heavy! The gauge "stick" they use is almost hitting the ground.  The pilot is not happy, and they have to readjust and shift some of the people in the plane to balance it out.  The stick finally comes off the ground. It is definitely at max load! They finally get the ok to go. (I'm wondering if Judy has taken the 2nd half of that Xanex yet?)

(Judy is happy is a bigger plane!)
(Making sure that stick is not hitting the ground! This is how they balance the plane!)

We watch the plane take off, and it looks like it barely makes it up before it gets to the water! We’re a little astonished! Shelton said at least it didn’t splash down!
(Balanced and Taking off!) 

Well.  They’re gone. It doesn’t seem right that we aren’t traveling with them, which is what we usually do. It’s too bad we couldn’t have coordinated leaving together. I get a little choked up … now I’m alone with Gerald again!  

Back home and make myself busy.  Do the regular cleaning, wash towels, change sheets, clean the bathrooms.  Gerald and I make an important observation … it’s really quiet here without Bob! =)

Here is Gerald helping me clean and do laundry. (déjà vu again!)

Kenny is pulling his little sister around in a cloths basket! No Nintendo, Game Boy or Wii here! The next time you tell your kids abour your childhood and they roll their eyes...remind them the US is the only country where the children are spoiled and kids still have to walk to school, up hill, both ways, have sticks and plastic bottles for toys, and ride bent and broken bikes - not new shiney ones! 

By the way, I need to clarify that it’s the Rotary Club that put up the playground for the kids here, not the Kiwanis as I previously reported. Need to give credit where credit is due!

It’s about and Gerald has taken the golf cart back – so it’s walking from here on out. Sunset is in a little bit, so I better finish changing the sheets, get the bug spray on and get ready for the Sun’s show!

Darn...the clouds came up on the horizon and hidthe sun! Here is all we got on the dock:

But, the company did outshine the sunset so all is well.  Now off to the "hot" tub! =)

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